Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reading Skills Essay

Reading daily, Reading deeply, Reading widely are the few important skills of reading from which we can enhance our understanding of passage, ameliorate our vocabulary, correct our grammatical mistakes, increase our thinking capacity and helps in improving or learning any part of a language. The more you read the one thing you realize the key to doing well in the examination, and the key to perform or present any task in a well equipped way. There are many techniques used in reading to get and understand whole idea or summary of the passage to improve reading. But few important skills of reading are given below to improve reading. 1. Styles of reading 2. Active reading 3. A tip for speeding up your active reading 4. Spotting authors’ navigation aids 5. Words and vocabulary [pic]1. Styles of reading There are three styles of reading which we use in different situations: Scanning: Scanning is what you do to find an answer to a specific question. You may run your eyes quickly down the page in a zigzag or winding S pattern. If you are looking for a name, you note capital letters. For a date, you look for numbers. Vocabulary words may be boldfaced or italicized. When you scan for information, you read only what is needed. It’s useful to scan parts of texts to see if they’re going to be useful to you: †¢ the introduction or preface of a book †¢ the first or last paragraphs of chapters †¢ the concluding chapter of a book. Skimming: for getting the gist of something Skimming is covering the chapter to get some of the main ideas and a general overview of the material. It is what you do first when reading a chapter assignment. You don’t read for details at this point. Here is how you skim a chapter: . To preview a passage before you read it in detail  · Read the first paragraph of the chapter line by line.  · Next, read all the bold print headings starting at the beginning.  · Read the first sentence of every paragraph.  · Study any pictures, graphs, charts, and maps.  · Finally, read the last paragraph of the chapter. As you skim, you could write down the main ideas and develop a chapter outline. Detailed reading: for extracting information accurately Where you read every word, and work to learn from the text. In this careful reading, you may find it helpful to skim first, to get a general idea, but then go back to read in detail. Use a dictionary to make sure you understand all the words used. [pic]2. Active reading When you’re reading for your course, you need to make sure you’re actively involved with the text. It’s a waste of your time to just passively read, the way you’d read a thriller on holiday. Always make notes to keep up your concentration and understanding. Here are four tips for active reading. Underlining and highlighting Pick out what you think are the most important parts of what you are reading. Do this with your own copy of texts or on photocopies, not with borrowed books. If you are a visual learner, you’ll find it helpful to use different colours to highlight different aspects of what you’re reading. Note key words Record the main headings as you read. Use one or two keywords for each point. When you don’t want to mark the text, keep a folder of notes you make while reading. Questions Before you start reading something like an article, a chapter or a whole book, prepare for your reading by noting down questions you want the material to answer. While you’re reading, note down questions which the author raises. Summaries Pause after you’ve read a section of text. Then: 1. put what you’ve read into your own words; 2. skim through the text and check how accurate your summary is and 3.fill in any gaps. [pic]3. A tip for speeding up your active reading You should learn a huge amount from your reading. If you read passively, without learning, you’re wasting your time. So train your mind to learn. Try the SQ3R technique. First developed by researchers at Ohio State University, SQ3R is a useful technique for absorbing written information. It helps you to create a good mental framework of a subject, into which you can fit the right facts. It helps you to set study goals and prompts you to use the review techniques that will help you to remember. The acronym SQ3R stands for the five sequential techniques you should use to read a book: Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Survey Gather the information you need to focus on the work and set goals: †¢ Read the title to help prepare for the subject †¢ Read the introduction or summary to see what the author thinks are the key points †¢ Notice the boldface headings to see what the structure is †¢ Notice any maps, graphs or charts. They are there for a purpose †¢ Notice the reading aids, italics, bold face, questions at the end of the chapter. They are all there to help you understand and remember. Question  Help your mind to engage and concentrate. Your mind is engaged in learning when it is actively looking for answers to questions. Make questions that can be answered during the reading of the material. This will give a purpose to your reading. Take a heading and turn it into a question. For example, if a heading in a chapter about Cell Division is in your biology text, make a question by turning the title around: â€Å"How does cell division occur? † or â€Å"How many steps are involved in cell division? † Read Read the first section with your questions in mind. Now you read the material trying to find answers to your questions. This is a careful reading, line by line. You may want to take notes or make flashcards. Recall As you read, look away from your book and notes and try to answer your questions. This checks your learning and helps put that information in your memory. After each section, stop and think back to your questions. See if you can answer them from memory. If not, take a look back at the text. Do this as often as you need to.. Review To check your memory, scan portions of the material or your notes to verify your answers. Review the material and note the main points under each heading. This review step helps you retain the material. The SQ3R method is just one technique that can be used to retain information you collect while reading. Students learn in different ways. Therefore they should be aware of their learning styles. Knowing whether you are an Auditory (learn by hearing), Visual (learn by seeing) or Kinesthetic (hands-on) learner helps you to understand your best learning environment. The SQ3R technique of reading can help to enhance your reading skills no matter what your style is. [pic]4. Spotting authors’ navigation aids Learn to recognize sequence signals, for example: â€Å"Three advantages of†¦ † or â€Å"A number of methods are available†¦ † leads you to expect several points to follow. The first sentence of a paragraph will often indicate a sequence:† One important cause of†¦ † followed by â€Å"Another important factor†¦ † and so on, until â€Å"The final cause of†¦ † General points are often illustrated by particular examples, for example: General: Birds’ beaks are appropriately shaped for feeding. Particular: Sparrows and other seed-eating birds have short, stubby beaks; wrens and other insect eaters have thin pointed beaks; herons and other fish hunters have long, sharp beaks for spearing their prey. Whatever you are reading, be aware of the author’s background. It is important to recognize the bias given to writing by a writer’s political, religious, social background. Learn which newspapers and journals represent a particular standpoint [pic]5. Words and vocabulary When you’re a graduate people expect you to use a vocabulary which is wider than a school-leaver’s. To expand your vocabulary: Choose a large dictionary rather than one which is ‘compact’ or ‘concise’. You want one which is big enough to define words clearly and helpfully (around 1,500 pages is a good size). Avoid dictionaries which send you round in circles by just giving synonyms. A pocket dictionary might suggest: ‘impetuous = rash’. A more comprehensive dictionary will tell you that impetuous means ‘rushing with force and violence’, while another gives ‘liable to act without consideration’, and add to your understanding by giving the derivation ‘14th century, from late Latin impetuous = violent’. It will tell you that rash means ‘acting without due consideration or thought’, and is derived from Old High German rasc = hurried. So underlying these two similar words is the difference between violence and hurrying. There are over 600,000 words in the Oxford English Dictionary; most of them have different meanings, (only a small proportion is synonyms). Avoid dictionaries which send you round in circles by using very complicated language to define the term you’re looking up, leaving you struggling to understand half a dozen new words. Keep your dictionary at hand when you’re studying. Look up unfamiliar words and work to understand what they mean. Improve your vocabulary by reading widely. Reading skills in a precis form Comprehensions Reading comprehension is a basic skill that each college student must possess. Believe it or not, reading is a complex, accrued skill—not acquired overnight learning to read and comprehend takes practice. Comprehension involves obtaining information from written text. A reader who comprehends a text accurately understands what the writer intended to communicate. She understands the purpose and the main idea. Comprehension cannot be observed directly, but a reader who is able to retell, paraphrase or summarize a text demonstrates comprehension. Interpretation †¢ When a reader interprets a text, he is employing a critical thinking strategy. He uses evidence and clues from the text to draw conclusions and looks for larger or more universal principals in what he has read. Interpretation requires going beyond the initial impression of what he has read to develop a more complex and complete understanding. Analysis †¢ When a reader analyzes the text, she identifies the assumptions of the writer and examines the structure of the argument. She asks questions such as, â€Å"Does the evidence support the argument? † and â€Å"Does it support the conclusions the writer draws? † She is looking for evidence of a logical and/or consistent argument. Synthesis †¢ With synthesis, the skilled reader is able to show how a text develops or builds meaning. He sorts out and reconstructs ideas in a text to point out how they are interrelated. He compares and extends meaning from multiple sources. Evaluation †¢ Evaluation, determining the quality and effectiveness of a text, is the highest level of critical thinking associated with reading, according to Lesley Thompson, Senior Assessment and Accountability Program Associate at the Northwest Regional Education Laboratory. An effective reader evaluates the merit of the text by drawing on her own experience and knowledge and considering whether other sources provide evidence that agrees with or contradicts the writer’s argument.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Charles Dickens and Curley’s Wife Essay

A comparison of Nancy from ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens and Curley’s Wife from ‘Of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck. In the two books both characters can be compared with each other but in many ways they are different in looks, language and personality, but the reasons for which the authors created them is much the same. I believe that Steinbeck created Curley’s wife, so that the reader feels sorry for her because most of the other characters in the book try to stay clear of her and do not get to know her, and in a sense, judge her by the way she dresses. On the other hand Steinbeck is trying to express to the reader that looks do not count for everything. The main reason for Curley’s wife’s creation in my personal opinion is because all of the characters in the book are misfits for example; Lennie is not clever and acts like a child when he is with George by the riverbank and threatens to leave because George becomes annoyed with him. Also Crooks the Negro is crippled and cannot walk very well, but in his own way he is special and well educated. In the same way Dickens creates Nancy as the type of character that the reader feels sorry for but at the same time accuse her for the mistakes she has made, such as running away from Bill Sikes but returning to him because she loves him and cannot bring herself to leave. As the book progresses the reader begins to gain more respect for Nancy but I believe that there is a reason for Nancy’s death, which is brought about by Oliver and this, is that doing the right thing does not always mean that it is not dangerous to yourself. The two characters have different opinions on their partners and are not treated in the same way, but neither of them is happy with her life. Curley’s wife is unhappy with her life and this is most likely because Curly is over possessive of her and all he ever talks about is fighting which makes her a little scared of what he may do to her if he is in a mood. She is always flirting with other men on the ranch like when she is alone with Lennie she says, ‘What you got there sonny boy. ‘ We are also given the impression that she is a ‘tart’ by the way Steinbeck describes what she wears, ‘She wore her bright cotton dress and the mules with red ostrich feathers. Her face was made up and the little sausage curls were all in place. ‘ Curley’s wife married Curley to get back at her mother after her dreams had been broken because the letter, which she had been promised from Hollywood never, arrived. On the other hand the only reason Curley married her was for his reputation and we know that he is vein due to the way he keeps one hand in a glove in order to keep it soft for her. Curley is also worried about what she may be up to when he is absent and therefore is always snooping around after her, which makes his wife feel trapped. Nancy in much the same way is not loved either but she does really care about Bill Sikes. Unlike Curley’s wife, Nancy is assaulted by Bill on many different occasions and is eventually killed by him. The main difference between the two characters is that Sikes is not overprotective of Nancy in the same way Curley is and will let her go out as long as he knows where she is going, the reason for this is that Sikes knows that Nancy is loyal to him. When Nancy meets up with Rose and helps to save Oliver she also offers Nancy a new start but the offer is declined because Nancy does not want to leave Bill Sikes and she says, The main contrast between the two characters is that Nancy loves Bill, but Curley’s wife does not love her husband but she cannot leave him because she lives on the ranch and has no other place to stay. The characters partner’s opinions compare because neither of them really care for their lover. Sikes treats Nancy like a ‘punch bag’ and she is scared of Curley because he has hit many other people and she is suspense waiting to see if he will lash out at her. In ‘Of Mice and Men’ Curley’s wife is known to some of the other characters such as Crooks, George and Candy as a ‘tart’ or a ‘bitch’ and a good example of this is when she walks into the bunkhouse and George says, ‘Jesus what a tramp, so that’s what Curly picked for a wife. ‘ As George is saying this Lennie is admiringly staring at her saying’ ‘She’s purty’ in response to Georges insult. Most of the men on the ranch try to stay clear of her and George warns Lennie about her too, ‘ Listen to me you crazy bastard, don’t you even take a look at that bitch. I don’t care what she says and what she does. I seen ’em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jailbait worse than her. You leave her be. ‘ Lennie refuses not to listen and ends up not taking any real notice of what George has says to him. Oliver respects Nancy, like Lennie is fond of Curley’s wife and both of them seem to have child like qualities that judge the characters for who they are and not how they dress or look. In the same way as Curley’s wife is despised by the ranch workers, Nancy is looked down on by the upper class people of the nineteenth century. The main reason the upper class residents do not respect Nancy is because she is a prostitute and in the time of Dickens this occupation was the lowest of the low for a woman. When Nancy goes to visit Rose, who is the adopted daughter of the women whose house Oliver broke in to, she is looked down on by the servants and thrown out of the hotel because of the way she looks. ‘Come! ‘ said the man taking her to the door, ‘None of this, take yourself off. ‘ The servants are not the only characters that look down on Nancy, Fagin and Sikes treat her badly and Dickens describes Sikes as using Nancy as his punch bag. Bill Sikes persists this behaviour even though Nancy looks after him when she is ill and says that she would even walk around the jail if he was arrested, just to be with him, but Sikes replies that she would be useless to him unless she brought a file to help him escape. On the whole I feel that neither of the character are loved and they are judged by the way they look, not by the people they really are inside. Each of the characters is special to one person, in Curley’s wife’s case Lennie and in Nancy’s, Oliver. I feel that the biggest difference between the two books is the language and the reason for this difference is the time at which they were written. In John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ the language is simple but strong, the reason Steinbeck’s characters speak in this way is because that’s the way 1930s Americans would have spoken, for example, when George, Crooks and Slim are talking about Lennie, George says, ‘If that crazy bastard foolin’ around too much, jus’ kick him out, Slim. ‘ There is also a large amount of slang used between the characters, like when George and Curly are talking and George replies, ‘He was ‘gunna’ put some tar on a split roof. ‘

Thursday, August 29, 2019

African American Minority Group Essay

Among many of the ethnic groups that experienced a combination of segregation, racism, and prejudice; African Americans is one of the few that is still faced with one or more forms of discrimination today. The majority of African Americans came to the United States from Africa to be slaves, while others are citizens or residents of the United States from partial ancestry a form of the native population. In 1619, the first recorded Africans were recorded in British North America in Jamestown, Virginia, and the numbers began to increase as more English settlers died from harsh conditions and the Africans were brought to work as laborers. In the late 1700s the American Revolution occurred, which landed approximately 3 million Africans in slavery in the United States by the mid-1800s, (Centerwall, Brandon, 1984). In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln declared that all slaves in the United States from a Union were free. Meanwhile the declaration of Africans being free from slavery was joyful event, it was also the beginning of a growing battle that lead to a different approach of discrimination including; segregation, prejudice, and racism. By the 1900s, the African American population increased, which majority of the population lived in the Southern states of the United States. The Southern states enforced the Jim Crow laws, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities giving white Americans advantages over black Americans in public schools, public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains. In order to eliminate the control that white Americans had over African Americans, African Americans began to build their own schools, churches, and communities. Although, African Americans building their own communities was the intention of avoiding the humiliation of the Jim Crow laws, it still didn’t prevent the African Americans from becoming victims of racially motivated violence. African Americans experienced countless acts of violence incidents that lead blacks battered, beaten and even dead in some cases. White Americans begin to form organizations that promoted white power, leading the organizations to practice out violence and destroy African Americans property. A popular white power organization called themselves the Ku Klux Klan and performed acts against blacks that included; lynching cross burnings, physical violence, and house burnings towards African Americans. Although, the Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1867, it has been rumors that there are people that are still secretly members today. African Americans experienced a wider range of discrimination, segregation, and racism more so in the later days but still arise in society today. In a perfect world, no one would be judged by the color of their skin and society would focus on a person’s individual true character. Often times African Americans miss out on opportunities because they are being judged by the color of their skin, rather than their abilities. The United States has tried to provide Americans the rights to equal opportunity, by creating the Affirmative action. The affirmative action eliminates people being granted opportunities based on their race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin and ensures that minority groups within a society receive equal opportunities. Although, the affirmative action was intended to diminish situations which cause people to participate in different forms of discrimination, but unless it could be fully proven that African Americans were being passed up for jobs, education, income and other forms of advancements there will never be a way to fully prohibit this form of discrimination. Today, there is still unequal opportunities and discriminatory treatment that occurs in the United States especially with African Americans. African Americans were affected by many forms of discrimination that decreased advancement to equal other races in society. They were faced with dual labor market, forcing blacks to work in lower labor market areas. Redlining was enforced by keeping businesses from helping African Americans simply because of the area they lived in. Many African Americans wanted to better themselves by furthering their education, but suffered from institutional discrimination and given less information and aid for education. Knowing the history of the African American struggles on; prejudice, discrimination, and segregation allows me to understand my roots and accomplishments of my ethnic group. Personally the history of African Americans affects me greatly, because it is the combination of struggles that has played a huge role to my advancements and opportunities performed daily. The African American ancestors fought daily through all counts of discrimination helps that allows all groups of different minority groups the same equal rights for advancement opportunities. Although, the majority of the world views of African Americans has changed there are still people that choose to discriminate against African Americans by choosing not to change with the ways of the world and maintain prejudice. Acts of discrimination is performed but not as greatly as many years ago. African American culture has had a rough past journey, but in the long run the majority of the United States has made it possible for all African Americans equal rights and opportunities in life.

Should Graffiti Be Illegal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should Graffiti Be Illegal - Research Paper Example Why is it that people want to see masterpieces in museums and art galleries and not in the streets where they walk? It could be because people directly affiliate graffiti with gangs and their territories, it is seen as the work of punks and gangsters. Graffiti is actually an innovative form of expression for youngsters. Letting your creativity flow doesn’t mean that you’re a criminal or a thug. An online article seconds this: â€Å"The graffiti is their way of expressing what they think is art and what art may mean and represent to them. This art helps people express who they are and what they feel art should look like and isn't that what art is all about† (Graffiti good or bad?). ‘Bombing’ is one of the most popular styles of graffiti art. It can be described as a form of art in which a person writes up on canvas or a wall in their own unique style with colors and fancy lettering (Graffiti good or bad?). We usually see examples of bombing, as decora tive writing on walls with different letter formations and an explosion of color and creativity. It is used to write for fun, to poke fun or to make a bold statement against the wrong-doings in society. People often find such art intriguing and appreciate its uniqueness, but at the same time it is also seen as an expression of violence. Hence the mixed attitudes debate over the legality of such art. These artists should be provided with a platform to express their own selves and be recognized for their talents instead of being convicted and put into jail. Why don't we have art museums for street art? In modern times, there is no definition of what art is. There are no restrictions or limits to how art can be represented. Representations and expressions of modern-day art know no boundaries. An online article seconds this when it says, â€Å"Art can be created into anything; it can be created into different forms that both intrigue and stimulate our senses but who actually decides wh at art is? Who has the right to tell us what we can and cannot do with art† (Graffiti good or bad?). They are as free flowing as the creativity of modern-day artists themselves, including graffiti artists. According to Bomb, It the documentary by Jon Reiss, the idea of graffiti art sprung from the childish habit of writing your name whenever you had a pen in your hand or in this case, a can of spray-paint. Street artists love to leave their mark on the walls, and they do that by writing their names, aliases or nicknames in all sorts of styles and colors on the walls. â€Å"Bomb it† the documentary also explores the roots of graffiti art and traces it back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. A street artist named cornbread is widely acknowledged as the world’s first graffiti artist and not just by himself, but by other street artists as well. Moreover, the documentary also goes on to say that graffiti actually existed from the earlier times and had a quite appealing th eory to support their claim; they say that cave drawings found from the earliest of times are, in fact, a form of graffiti. This suggestion that graffiti art has primitive roots is  really  very  interesting and a rather viable theory considering the nature of cave drawings. Graffiti artists see themselves as revolutionaries trying to speak their mind out using the form of expression, they’re best at. In the documentary Bomb It, we see how one street artist claims that it is the society that has given them the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Critique of a nursing research article Assignment

Critique of a nursing research article - Assignment Example The purpose of the research is therefore viable to the topic. According to French et al., nurses are faced with roles such as carrying patients from their beds, measuring the degree of body temperature, measuring arterial blood pressure among other inventions (qtd. in Sevim, et al., 2008, p. 207). This actions therefore, could lead to a spread in infectious diseases across the hospital’s patients and nurses. Hand washing therefore could be a cheaper, simpler and an applicable key practice that can reduce the rate of hospital infections. Although many nurses try to practice hand washing after handling patients, others find it hard to keep up due to several factors. According to Kampf et al., low hand washing behavior among nurses could be attributed to lack of consistent practice by practitioners, increased education levels that result to a decrement in the practical application of nurses, lack of enough water sinks among other issues (Sevim, et al., 2008, p. 207). It is therefore necessary to address this issues so as to increase the status of hygiene among nurses and patients. For instance, in the case of an outbreak such as the Ebola pandemic, the government should provide nurses with high quality protective gears so as to enable them to interact with different patients without acting as disease spreading ambassadors. In this study, Sevim et al. wanted to determine the overall status of hand washing information that exists among the nursing context more so among the nursing students in Turkey (2008, p.208). The research questions therefore tended to determine the situations in which the students wash their hands in clinical areas. It also sought to determine whether there was a significant difference between the number of patient care activities of students in the clinical setup and hand washing frequency. The research sought to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Determining Your Perfect Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Determining Your Perfect Position Paper - Essay Example However, as challenging as the position of leader might be, it can be best fulfilled by an employee who has a lot of experience working for the organization. If the restructure allows them to assume this position then along with the problems, the perks of this job will also be great. Deciding on a specific style of leadership will be a difficult task, thus it is best to switch on the situational leadership role. The advantage of such an approach is its ability to be highly effective. It switches the need to choose one specific style and try to run every part of the organization in that mode. This will allow a larger number of people under different departments to be efficient and effective under the leadership of one individual. By using various different modes the leader can ensure the full participation of each member in their team. The most important aspect of this method is the motivation and capability of the employees. The leader needs to recognize three forces when dealing with his employees when involved in this situation: the force of the situation, forces in the follower and the forces of the leader (Tannenbaum and Schmidt). Authoritarian approach is one of the most empowering and extreme forms of leadership used. Here the leader uses his high level of power to control their team members. The employees aren’t allowed to express their opinion about any decision made by the leader. They have to agree to it without making any suggestions. This has to be done even if the employee has an idea that will be of great use to the organization. However, this mechanism was flawed; many people resent being treated with such control. This can lead to many employees choosing to be absent rather than appearing for work or even a staff turnover. The benefits of teamwork are lost as the most experienced employees choose to leave the team. This method is useful and is still a preferred mode because the control ensures all the work is done. This leadership

Monday, August 26, 2019

Perception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Perception - Essay Example Step 4: Save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place, and post a copy of your summary to the Drop box. And Step 5: Read other students’ posts. Sensation and Perception Functions and Role Sensation is the basic process of detecting that a stimulus is in the world. Perception is the process involved in identifying and interpreting the stimulus that is detected in sensation. (Krantz, 1.6). Three of the main organs for sensation are eyes, ears, and skin. Eye is the organ of sight. The eyes enable us to explore the world with precision, balance, and sense of wonder. Its role in human behavior is very important as it plays a vital role in survival, reproduction, and building/maintaining social and role relationships. The ear is the hearing organ. Our ears provide a rich and complex experience of the world, complementing the visual functions. Ears influence human behavior by means of communication/language. Our ears’ perception affects mental health and our relations hip to others. The skin is the organ of touch and it is the body’s outer covering. Its function includes insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, and protection. It also gives appearance and shape. Our skin helps us withdraw from danger and reacts to environmental stimulation. Its role in behavior involves human interactions and reproduction.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Describe with NAMED examples, the potential risks and benefits Essay

Describe with NAMED examples, the potential risks and benefits involved in the use of genetic manipulation of plants to improve yields of species of agronomic - Essay Example e this problem by modifying plants altering its genetic make up through genetic engineering producing a desired trait they wanted to resolve world economic problem. They are now producing variety that are high yielding , resistant to drought, insect pest and disease resistant, saline and water logged resistant, weed and pesticide tolerant and even improve the its nutritional value. Coupled with these discoveries, there are some potential risks in genetic modification (GM) in plants that are harmful both human and mother earth. In Human, some GM products would cause allergies as a result of new unidentified proteins gene transferred into unrelated organisms (Campaign Web site) that may create new allergen that causes an allergic reaction in susceptible individuals (GMO Web site). Bernstein, et. al. (cited GMO Website) reported that allergic reactions in human occur when a normally harmless protein enters the body and stimulates an immune response to proteins. There are reports that any allergic reaction to food can be serious, even life-threatening, and leads to anaphylactic shock (Campaign Website). The consumption of GMO product will increased cancer rates from Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH). This hormone was injected into cows in order to increase milk production and also human insulin- Like Growth Factor (IGF-1). This IGF-1 was observed to trigger breast, prostate and colon cancer based on reported studies (Environment website). Examples: 3. Bacillus thuringiences (Bt) can be found in corn, potatoes and cotton caused allergic reaction to some people. It will provoke some kind of immunological allergic changes like asthma and other allergic reaction to human based on the study of Ohio crop pickers and handlers as reported in Science News, 1999 (cited Campaign Web site). Second, through genetic modification plants were able to develop Antibiotic Resistance. Plants become resistant to antibiotics when genes that confer antibiotic resistance are inserted

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Demand and Supply of Oil Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Demand and Supply of Oil - Case Study Example As with any commodity, pricing is determined by demand-supply dynamics, with the market price being set where demand levels equal supply levels (Rowling, 2014). As basic economics would have it, the price would go up if there is an excess supply of the commodity. Same is the case of oil in international markets. The United States, once the highest importer of oil, is now sitting on the largest oil reserves in the world to such a great extent that it has become an oil exporter itself. With so much excess supply and lack of demand, oil prices were bound to face an upward trajectory. Â  What is rather more interesting is that OPEC countries supply around 40% of the world’s oil output. Rather than curbing output in a bid to push up declining prices, Saudi Arabia, the largest contributor of oil within the OPEC, has pleaded to maintain its output levels at the same levels instead of decreasing them in a bid to capture market share. According to statistics, if production continues at the same levels from OPEC and other oil producing countries, then this would translate into a major stock-pile of oil in the first half of the calendar year 2015 to 2 million barrels of oil per day (Rowling, 2014). Again if one understands basic economics, this could mean a further slash in oil prices in the upcoming year. Â  According to my own opinion, there needs to be a proper interaction between real demand and real supply so that an efficient price of oil could be determined. At the current levels where oil prices are going down to new lows in recent times, there is a possibility of consumers over consuming the commodity when they don’t even need to. What needs to be understood here is that oil is a depleting commodity and it has finite reserves. One day these reserves would run out and we would be left with no alternative.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Biometric Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Biometric Security - Essay Example â€Å"Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data. In information technology, biometrics refers to technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics, such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements, for authentication purposes.† (2008) These have several applications including time attendance, access control, identification card, security systems, server rooms and data centers. The advantages of this system are: easy to use, removes proxy punching, prevents identity theft, no recurring costs on cards, better returns on investment and instant reporting. (BioEnable 2007) The objective of this paper is to discuss three technological applications on biometrics in the areas of fingerprint scanners, iris recognition system and smart cards. A presentation of each features, mechanics, and practical applications would enable one to discern which biometric techno logy is most beneficial to more members of the society. However, one should bear in mind that there are other factors to consider in selecting a biometric technology. Fingerprint scanners are technological applications in biometrics utilizing fingerprints of a user to be initially enrolled in a data base. The identity of the user would be authenticated by matching a current scan with that previously recorded in the data base. According to WebMediaBrands (2009), â€Å"fingerprint scanning essentially provides an identification of a person based on the acquisition and recognition of those unique patterns and ridges in a fingerprint.† This technology is currently being used in timekeeping, payroll, computer and security systems, among a host of other innovative applications. However, the cost of applying fingerprint scanning is still relatively expensive as compared to the traditional modes of ID badges. Iris recognition system is reported as one of the most accurate of all biometric

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Administrative Law Rev Essay Example for Free

Administrative Law Rev Essay Freedom of Information Act 1982 is entirely in the interest of public who can have access to various documents of government of Victoria and its public agencies for verification or for any other useful purpose.   The sole objective of FOI Act is to bring awareness among public whether the functioning and operations of government are in order   and how public analyze the same. Section 22 provides about the charges to be paid for having access to specific documents.   The section provides technical details of payment of fee that is calculated with time that is taken for search of documents.    This is particularly due to the fact that   the time taken for search of documents may vary depending on the date of publication of document. This is also in order to reduce the payment of fee to be paid by public.   All sectors of public may not afford to pay high rate of fees for having access to government documents.   In view of such as these reasons, hourly rate and time taken for search of documents has been included in this section. The section also covers transcription (h)   and routine requests (g)   and in case of inspection of documents no charge shall be calculated (f) in pursuance of Section 8(1) or 11(1). Section 27 clearly states about reasons of refusal of documents by a Minister of state to that effect, applicant shall be informed about the reasons in writing.   This section is somewhat complicated with the fact that a minister or a government official is a servant of public and with that motive, public must be provided access to the documents which is the sole purpose of FOI Act. This section is likely to give rise to conflicts between and may bring a deep dissatisfaction to public. Some of the documents that contain health information are also restricted with the provisions of Health   Records Act 2001, which of these reasons are also to be stated to applicant.   Although there are clauses for applying of review of decisions, launch complain to Ombudsmen, it is both time consuming and   undecisive for applicants to move further with such grievances. Section 50 deals with applications for review which would be pending with Tribunal for decisions.   This may pertain to a request for document, charge made, decision for access, or any other specific request regarding information under FOI Act.  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Tribunal in all respects has to deal with each individual case, giving its due importance of provisions along with genuine reasons. This section is in favor of public, as Tribunal shall reconsiders and reviews the decisions and grants permissions to public in various aspects that are relevant to FOI Act. The Tribunal may refuse the decision of Minister or agency and give an order in favor of public. Those issues or requests for documents which were not considered by Minister, are very well resolved at Tribunal by applicants. Section 51 states that an applicant may apply to Principal officer or Minister for review of decision, which was given in the deemed absence within 28 days   for review of decision or refusing to give access to health documents as per Section 36 of Health Records Act 2001. This section offers powers and opportunities to public   for   reconsideration of requests for having access to documents.   Applicants have to be excessively vigilant in deriving the maximum benefit from the government bodies and officials.  Ã‚  Ã‚   This section is both useful for public and for principal officers to check the veracity of facts in all respects. Section 51A  Ã‚  Ã‚   deals with conciliation of Health Service Commissioner   which state that issues that were deferring in Section 50 and 51 in the matters of health documents, may suitably be taken up by applicant with this section and apply for Health Service Commissioner’s decision.   In case Health Service Commissioner fails to conciliate a request, to that effect an notice in writing must be issued to both applicant and Principal Officer. This appears as a last resort for applicant as the decision of Health Service Commissioner is the final approach for an applicant. Conclusion The enactment of FOI is made with a view of regularizing the functioning and to increase the   working efficiency of governments.   Apart from this fact, the public are also provided an in-depth knowledge about information and working status of governments. Although there are many technicalities involved in FOI Act, each section, sub-section and clause, a significance of reason is attached to it for the benefit of both public and governing bodies.

Diversity Organizations Worksheet Essay Example for Free

Diversity Organizations Worksheet Essay What has been the status of women in the United States throughout history? Throughout history women have been seen as less than to men. It has been rough on the women coming from minority groups because not only are they looked down on because of the group they are associated with but they are also women. For example, in the black community during the civil rights movement when blacks could not vote, and when they finally were allowed to vote, the women still could not. There has also been situations within the workforce when women could do a â€Å"manly job† but according to society they were not capable. †¢What is the status of women in the U.S. today? The status of women in the U.S. today has improved a lot. According to The State of Women in America, â€Å"women made up only about one-third of the workforce in 1969, women today make up almost half of all workers in the United States. Women are also stepping up to lead the country; a record number of women ran for public office in 2012, and a record-high percentage of women are serving in Congress.† Women today feel more apart, rather than an outcast. It is also clear to see that America is going to start to see changes with leaders of the country. Women are also paid equally to men according to their qualifications for the nature of the job. †¢What are some examples of concepts or constructions of masculinity and femininity that you see in society and in media? With media today, masculine males are seen as military men, or law enforcement officers, also most athletic figures. Men are shown to not to have emotion or care about women’s are also portrayed to not care that much about their physical appearance. A man sitting back watching his favorite sports team and drinking beer on his favorite couch, while his wife is in the kitchen cooking and cleaning , as well as taking care of the children. Feminine in the media today is coming off as a petite, big breasted, and a fit is seen on the famous lingerie commercials as well in movies associated with tough guys and fast cars. These commercials and movies give society a view that women should be a certain size and carry themselves a specific way. †¢Historically, what has been the social status of GLBT people? Historically, the social status of GLBT people has been very rough. It was hard for these individuals come out of the closet and be who they really are in front of the public eye. GLBT people have been discriminated against almost as much as African Americans. For example men who had a more feminine side could not show that because they feared that they may be beaten, or set aside from the rest of the men. These individuals believe because they live the way they choose they are unable to find jobs because companies would be ashamed to have them working for their company unless the owner is gay themselves. There has been a lot of changes throughout history to ensure that all Americans are being treated equal. †¢What is the status of GLBT people in the U.S. today? GLBT people in the U.S. today are beginning to experience a lot more equality. What this means is they are now starting to be allowed to marry one another. They are receiving a lot more protection in places like prisons, or jails. The overall awareness for these individuals has increased. Media has allowed for them to tell their stories, and there are some television shows about their lifestyles as well. Media has probably the largest impact in today’s society, so the fact that media is now coming around to promote the awareness is definitely a plus for GLBT people. †¢What are some social and political issues relevant to women and GLBT people in the U.S.? The social and political issues that surround this is that the women are becoming more lavish in today’s politics, and they are very tough within our political system. Hilary Clinton is a strong female in politics and has made a name for herself. There are many other women that have strong traits and similarities in politics just as Mrs. Clinton does and these women are just as valuable as the men are. GLBT people have also made a very recognizable name for themselves by using as many avenues as possible to strengthen their movement for equality. The media has been a big influence for these individuals and it is constantly on the rise. Gay marriage has been a big update on news channels all across America and is spreading like a rapid fire. This has given them the ability to come out and be who they are and not worry too much about what others have to say about them. There is still along path ahead of both women and the GLBT community but they are well on their way.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Application of LBM in Aerospace Industry

Application of LBM in Aerospace Industry INTRODUCTION: Requirement of precision components, complicated design, stringent standards and testing, unusual size of workpiece, restrictions in conventional machining processes has lead to development of advanced machining processes shortly AMP. In past few years, there were several AMPs developed such as electric discharge machining (EDM), electron beam machining, electrochemical machining, chemical machining processes (CMP), ultrasonic machining (USM), and jet machining processes abrasive jet machining, water jet machining, laser beam machining etc. Each of these AMPs has its limitations in workpiece material, shape etc. But LBM is the one of the AMPs where almost all material can be processed. One of major advantage of LBM is its ability to machine both conductive and non-conductive materials. Laser beam machining (LBM) is one of the most widely used thermal energy based non-contact type advance machining process which can be applied for almost whole range of materials. Laser beam is focused for melting and vaporizing the unwanted material from the parent material. As of now the major application on LBM is profile cutting of geometrically complex part and making miniature holes in sheetmetal. HISTORY OF LASER: In 1917, it was Albert Einstein who first told the world about the process called Stimulated Emission which makes the laser possible. In 1957, Gordon Gould, a Columbia University student designed the first laser device in his laboratory. However the first working laser (ruby laser) was found on 16th of May, 1960 by Dr. Theodore Maiman. This demonstration of ruby laser acted as entry door to this field. Till then lots and lots of researches have been done and various lasers were found. Some of major contributions and highlights are Gas laser which used helium and neon gases by Ali Javan during 1960, semi conductor laser by Gunther Fenner in 1962, CO2 laser by Kumar Patel on 1964, Nd-YAG laser by Geusic in 1964 etc. The first excimer laser was demonstrated in 1970 by Basov et ah and it was liquid xenon which was excited with a pulsed electron beam. The first commercial application of continuous wave CO2 lasers was made during 1967 by Western Electric and the first successful industrial application of laser cutting was die-board slotting. Whereas now, lasers have been into many areas such as aerospace, die and mold manufacturing, biomechanical devices, automotive, electric, and electronic industries etc. Likewise many studies have been made to find many such lasers and also studies were done to improve / optimize the working parameters of the lasers. FUNDAMENTALS OF LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation LASER is a device which produces a monochromatic light beam where all the waves are coherent. LASER consists of four primary components: Active medium: It contains atoms whose electrons are excited to higher energy levels by an energy source. They are solid crystals such as ruby or Nd:YAG, liquid dyes, gases like CO2 or Helium/Neon, or semiconductors such as GaAs. Excitation Mechanism: Excitation mechanisms pump energy into the active medium. Three basic method of excitation are optical, electrical or chemical. High Reflectance Mirror Partially Transmissive Mirror The major principles of Laser are stimulation, amplification and population inversion. Lasing action: When energy is applied to a laser active medium electrons are raised to an unstable energy level then spontaneously decay to a lower relatively long-lived metastable state. There is possibility to pump large amounts of energy since electrons in this state will not spontaneously return to their ground energy level; thus we can obtain a population inversion in which most of the atoms are in a metastable state. Lasing action is initiated by an electron after achieving population inversion. If the photon released is of exactly the right wavelength it will stimulate an atom in a metastable state to emit a photon of the same wavelength (Stimulated Emission). Large amount of these stimulated photons will be lost when they interfere with the sides of the lasing active medium. However if the photons travel parallel to the long axis of the optical cavity they will continue to stimulate emissions of photons having the same wavelengths which combine coherently until they reach the mirrored ends of the optical cavity. This stimulated emission continues as the beam strikes the 100% reflective mirror and gets reversed to strike against the partially reflecting mirror. A small portion of the coherent light is released while the rest is reflected back through the lasing medium to continue the process of stimulating photons. Types of Laser: There are several types of lasers available based on active medium (solid, liquid or gas), types of gases used, types of crystals used, and mode of operation (continuous wave, pulsed, q-switched) etc. But only few lasers are used for industrial application called as material processing lasers. The commonly used lasers in industries are: CO2 Gas lasers; Nd-YAG solid state laser and Excimer laser. CO2 lasers tend to be high powered (up to 3 kW) and are used in the continuous-wave mode. The Nd-YAG lasers are used in the pulsed mode and can achieve peak powers of 7-10 kW. Mechanics of Laser: The mechanism of material removal during laser beam machining includes four different stages such as: Warm up Melting, Vaporization, Chemical degradation / plasma shielding The material is heated above its melting point when a high energy laser beam is focused on workpiece surface. The melted or vaporized material is then removed by using high pressure assist gas. Unlike other processes, LBM is a thermal process and the effectiveness depends on thermal properties of the material rather than its mechanical properties. This is the major characteristics for which hard-to-machine material such as titanium alloys, super nickel alloys etc and highly brittle material such as glass, ceramics etc can be processed by LBM. NEEDS OF LASER IN AEROSPCE INSUSTRY: As mentioned earlier, lasers are employed much more in material processing industries than other industries. And current scenario of material processing, application of lasers plays a vital role in aerospace industry. The following are some of key points which explain the reason behind this: Cooling holes: Aerospace engineering technology is growing rapidly and the components are exposed to ever increasing exhaust and combustion temperatures. Hence cooling is very much required in order to withstand those high temperatures. One of method is to have cooling holes on TBC (thermal barrier coated) layers. Modern aircraft has nearly 100,000 such cooling holes which are made by laser drilling operation. Airframe weight: One of major criteria of any aircraft is the weight. Many improvements and experiments are going on to lessen the weight of airframe structure. Also it enhances low fuel consumption. High strength aluminum alloys are used for this process. It is found that almost 80% of material used in commercial aircraft and 50% material used in military aircraft is of this aluminum alloy. Laser cutting is one of highly recommended for processing this material. Reduce cost: In this present scenario, cost reduction plays an important role in any industry. With increasing price of petroleum, one of strategy is to reduce total manufacturing cost, labor cost in particular. CNC controlled motorized laser can be used for drilling and cutting purposes which reduces the manufacturing cost. MAJOR LBM PROCESSES USED IN AEROSPACE INDUSTRY: There are two major LBM processes employed in aerospace industry namely, laser drilling and laser cutting. In this report I have made some investigation on two case studies, one for laser drilling and another for laser cutting. Laser Drilling: In laser drilling process is a thermal process which incorporates high energy laser beam which is focused on particular area where the material gets vaporized to form holes on workpiece. There are two types of laser drilling process, percussion laser drilling and trepan laser drilling. Percussion laser drilling: Percussion drilling is drilling where it directly punches the workpiece material where there is no relative movement of laser or workpiece. Thus the processing time is much less when compared to trepan drilling process. Also for drilling 100,000 holes in aircraft components such as turbine blades, airfoil vanes etc, percussion drilling is recommended. Trepan drilling: This drilling involves cutting around circumference of the hole. Thus it takes more time than percussion drilling since it has to go around the circumference to make a hole on workpiece material. Laser cutting: Laser cutting process involves basic principle of mechanics of laser i.e. high energy laser beam is focused to particular area on the workpiece where the material is melted above its melting point. Then the molten material is removed by coaxial assist gas jet or induced vapor pressure thus forming the cut kerf. There are three types of laser cutting processes, laser fusion cutting, laser flame cutting and sublimation cutting. Laser fusion cutting: In this process inert gas such as nitrogen, argon etc is used as assist gas. This process fully depends on the energy of laser beam which is used for high alloyed steels. Laser flame cutting: Oxygen is used as assist gas in this process and it is widely used for low alloyed steels. This process receives some amount of energy from exothermic reaction of the workpiece material. Also the laser power is lower when compared to laser fusion cutting. Sublimation cutting: The material is molten by absorbed laser energy until it partially evaporates. This requires high power densities with much slower speeds than other to cutting processes. CASE STUDY # 1: LASER DRILLING OF MULTILAYER AEROSPACE MATERIAL Objective: As mentioned earlier, aerospace components requires thousands of cooling holes to dissipate the heat of combustion and exhaust gas. These components are given a coating called TBC thermal barrier coating to protect the components from direct exposure to the corrosive environments. Thus the objective of this case study is to investigate and optimize the optimum parameters related to quality of drilled holes on a TBC, thermal barrier coated material. Some of such parameters are mentioned in below figure. Experimental Setup: Laser system: The experiments are made using Nd-YAG JK704 laser with lens of focal length: 120mm. Oxygen is used as assist gas. Previous studies by Corcoran et al identified oxygen as the suitable assist gas for this process. The below chart shows the specification for JK704 laser system. Workpiece setup: Experiments are carried out using Rene 80 substrate coated with TBC. Here yttria stabilized zirconia is used as TBC and it is bonded with the substrate material by means of plasma sprayed MCrAlY bind coat. The material thickness is about 3.6mm. The material composition of Rene 80 is: Ni= 60.0%, Cr= 14.0%, Co= 9.5%, Ti= 5.0%, Mo= 4.0%, W= 4.0%, Al= 3.0%, C= 0.17%, B= 0.015% and Zr= 0.03% Procedure: One-at-a time approach is the traditional approach for conducting laser drilled experiments. In this approach only one parameter is changed keeping all others as constant. But this is time consuming and most importantly interactions of parameters are not considered which may lead to wrong results. Thus Taguchi type approach is considered where orthogonal array was designed to reduce the number of experiments required. From 108, the experiments are reduced to 18. Holes were drilled on Rene 80 substrate surface by percussion laser drilling using the laser system as mentioned earlier. The mean diameters were recorded using profilometer. The following output responses were recorded: Remelt layer thickness; Microcracking depth and Spalling Delamination of TBC. Results: After recording the values as mentioned in the experimental procedure, a chart was plotted which gives the direct comparison of results of 18 experiments. The Taguchi analysis gives the output responses of Remelt layer thickness and microcracking depth which can be then compared with the OEM (Original equipment manufacturer) vane airfoil standards. This is to check whether the attained values are within the mentioned values mentioned in the standards. As per OEM standards, the remelt layer thickness Higher S/N ratio is preferred in S/N analysis. By using the results from Chart 4 i.e. parameter effects plot, the optimum parameters can be obtained for laser drilling of Rene 80 sample. These optimum parameters are chosen in such a way that the remelt layer thickness, microcracking and Delamination of TBC are minimized. Based on derived optimum parameter table, microcracking confirmation tests are carried out to validate the findings. It was found that the laser drilled holes posses very little microcracking at these optimum parameters (Table 3). Three iterations were made, say A, B and C and micrographs were obtained. Conclusion of case study #1: The parameters considered for this study are pulse energy, pulse width, pulse shape, TBC density and the gas pressure. The investigation and results of above case study provides the following conclusions: Pulse energy: High pulse energy reduces the level of microcracking and low pulse energy reduces the level of melting of remelt layer thickness. It is also found that interaction occurs between pulse energy and pulse width. Pulse width: The severity of microcracking and Delamination i.e. the spalling is reduced considerably when shorter pulses are used. Pulse shape: Pulse shape do not have adherent effect on remelt layer thickness whereas in order to minimize delamination, a ramp-up pulse is recommended and to minimize microcracking, a treble pulse is recommended. TBC density: The TBC density has very little effect on the remelt layer thickness, however high density TBC yielded least delamination of bond coat and the TBC used. Gas pressure: Higher the gas pressure is better the output parameters. Gas pressure of 70 psi was found to reduce all the three output response parameters remelt layer thickness, microcracking and delamination. Some pictures showing the laser drilled holes on aircraft turbine component. CASE STUDY #2: LASER CUTTING OF AEROSPACE ALUMINIUM: One of primary goal of aerospace industry is to lessen the weight of airframe structure. This has advantage of saving fuel consumption, and hence the cost. High strength aluminum alloys were used for these applications and laser cutting is one of process which is recommended for processing high strength aluminum but there are some challenges which has limited conventional laser cutting for this application. Objective: Thus, the objective of this case study is to investigate the challenges of conventional laser cutting and study the proposed solution to overcome these challenges. Conventional laser cutting: The usage of conventional laser cutting is limited to process aluminum alloys used in aerospace application is because of two major reasons, It produces cuts with poor surface finish and Large heat affected zone (HAZ) is created. These poor machining characteristics of laser cutting decrease the fatigue life of components which is very essential for aerospace applications. The mechanisms of laser cutting process is, when a high energy laser beam is focused on the workpiece the material gets melted and vaporized and then a assist gas jet is used to drag the molten material away from the workpiece material. If these dragging requirements are not more pronounced, then the molten material may remain in the cutting edge of the workpiece which yields to very poor quality cut and also large HAZ is generated in the cut edge. These all combine to affect the overall mechanical performance of the workpiece material. The best method to improve the dragging efficiency is to increase the gas pressure of assist gas jet. This is required in order to establish a laminar boundary layer between assist gas jet and the molten material. The dragging of molten material is more efficient as a result viscous and pressure drag of the assist gas jet which are the driving force of removal of molten material from the workpiece. Gas pressure cannot be increased beyond 2 bar in conventional laser cutting as it uses converging coaxial cutting head. Any pressure more than 2 bar yields to more aerodynamic interactions. Due to this MSD mach shock disk, a normal shock wave is created which produces serious degradation in gas jet and reduces the dragging capacity. Proposed laser cutting: The drawbacks of conventional laser cutting can be addressed by using Converging diverging (supersonic) nozzle instead of coaxial nozzle Different geometrical configuration of assist gas jet such that it is in off-axis with the laser beam. Using converging- diverging nozzle, we can produce a fully expanded free-jet where MSD can be avoided. Thus we can produce cut of superior finish and also the HAZ is significantly reduced. Experimental setup: The experimental setup used for proposed laser cutting is as follows: Laser used: CO2 slab laser (Rofin DC 035) Output power: 3.5 KW Mode of operation: CW, continuous wave mode Nozzle: Self designed cutting head (supersonic head) Experiments were conducted using conventional and supersonic cutting head and results were recorded. Comparison of results: The workpiece material used fro this experiment is 2024-T3, high strength aluminum alloy. The results were recorded and compared to conventional laser cutting. It was found that the finish was superior and HAZ was reduced than conventional laser cutting. A Challenge in proposed solution: One of major drawback in proposed solution is that, for cutting complex contours the supersonic cutting head has to be changed frequently to remain tangent to the cutting direction. This drawback can be overcome by using a motorized off-axis nozzle controlled by a CNC controller. Conclusion of case study# 2: The following are the conclusion derived from above case study is that by using a cutting head supersonic, off-axis (non coaxial) nozzle can process high strength aluminum alloys with An excellent and superior finish. Negligible heat affected zone, HAZ can be obtained. Production rates can be increased since cutting speed is increased. By using a CNC controlled motorized off-axis cutting head, parts with complex contours can be processed. Labor costs can be reduced as laser is fully automated. CONCLUSION: In this report, a brief discussion about the two major laser beam machining used in aerospace industry, laser drilling and laser cutting were discussed. Also two case studies related to respective process were studied and results were mentioned. LBM is widely used in aerospace applications and more and more researches are going on to improve the current laser technology and many new trends directions were forecasted in this aerospace engineering field. REFERENCES: A.Corcoran, L.Sexton, B.Seaman, G.Bryne, The laser drilling of multi layer aerospace material systems, Journal of material processing technology (2002) A.Riveiro, F.Quintero, J.Pou, F.Lusquinos, R.Comesana, J.del Val, M.Boutinguiza and R.Soto, Laser cutting of aerospace aluminum Avanish Kumar Dubey, Vinod Yadava, Laser beam machining-A review, International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacture, 2008 The Fascinating world of sheetmetal, Dr.Hubert Bitzel Johanna Burchertt F. Dausinger, B.G. Teubner, Strahlwerkzeug Laser: Energieeinkopplung und Prozesseffektività ¤t, Stuttgart, 1995 Lecture notes by Prof. A.Senthil kumar, Mechanical Engineering department, National University of Singapore, Singapore.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice In Maycomb :: essays research papers

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice in Maycomb Two major people in To Kill A Mockingbird are prejudged; Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. One man is the victim of prejudice; Atticus Finch. These men are mockingbirds. For a mockingbird has never hurt anyone, and neither has Atticus Finch, Boo Radley, nor Tom Robinson. . Boo Radley is prejudged because he chooses to stay in his domicile. While Tom Robinson is prejudged because of his color. Atticus Finch becomes a victim of prejudice due to his valiancy to help a innocent black man; Tom Robinson. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson and prejudged; but because prejudice is so inclusive, even those who help the â€Å" mockingbirds†, Atticus, become victims of prejudice. Maycomb people gossip about Boo Radley because he chooses to stay in his house, while Tom Robinson is stereotyped by Maycomb because of his skin color. Rumors are spread about these men because most of Maycomb is guilty of prejudice. Boo Radley is generally gossiped about by Miss Stephanie Crawford. Miss Stephanie recounts to Jem about rumors spread about Boo Radley. â€Å"So Jem received much of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford...†( Lee, TKAM 11 ). Miss Stephanie explains a erroneous rumor about Boo. â€Å"As Mr. Radley passes by, Boo drove the scissors into his parent's leg...† ( 11 ). Tom Robinson is prejudged by many people, some include: Scout, Mr. Gilmer, and Bob Ewell. For example, when Scout says, â€Å"Well, Dill, after all he's just a Negro† (199). Maycomb people are the sin of all prejudice in Maycomb. Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are mockingbirds. Both of these men are victims of prejudice. To take advantage of these men would be a sin, just as it would to kill a mockingbird. â€Å"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy...that's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird (90).† Tom Robinson is taken advantage of by the Ewell family. Tom had nothing against anybody, especially the Ewells'. He would help Mayella with her chores, and the part of it that made him a mockingbird, is that he did not want anything in return. â€Å" Were u paid for these services...No suh, not after she offered to give me a nickel the first time (191).† What makes Boo Radley a mockingbird is that he has never really never hurt anybody, he minds his own business while watching over his children. The Ewell family and many other people in Maycomb have sinned, distinctively Bob Ewell, because they took advantage and prejudged to innocent men; Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. People who help the mockingbirds also become victims of prejudice.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Baden-Powell :: essays research papers

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, more affectionately known as "B.-P.", was born in London, England, on February 22, 1857. At the age of 12 he received a scholarship from Charterhouse School, one of England's famous public schools. The school was then located in London, but it soon moved to Godalming in Surrey. There were some woods just outside the school, these were "out- of-bounds" for the pupils. It was here that B.-P. practised stalking wildlife. He is said to have snared rabbits and cooked them over a small fire so that smoke didn't give him away to the school masters. (This was to be valuable training for later in his career.) Choosing a military career, B.-P. served in campaigns in India, Afghanistan and South Africa. He became world famous during the Boer War for the defense of Mafeking, a small town in South Africa. With 800 men, he was besieged by a force of 9,000 Boer soldiers. His small force held out against these immense odds for 217 days -- until a relief column of British soldiers arrived. At Mafeking B.-P. organized his "Messenger Cadets". Trained in efficiency, obedience and smartness, they performed many tasks -- relieving soldiers for active defense of the town. After the Boer War, B.-P. organized the South African Constabulary and designed a uniform for them that later became the basic Boy Scout uniform. While still in Africa, B.-P. wrote "Aids to Scouting" -- a manual designed to train soldiers to become army scouts. Many youth and organizations in Britain used ideas from this manual as the basis of adventurous programs. He discussed this matter with Sir William Smith, the founder of the Boy's Brigade, and other leading youth workers. He planned a camp to test his program ideas. The camp was held from July 25 to August 9 in 1907 on Brownsea Island. The "Scoutmaster" was Lt.-Gen. Robert Baden- Powell. His assistants were B.W. Green, H. Robson and P.W. Everett. The camp was a tremendous success. Based on this experiment B.-P. wrote his book "Scouting for Boys" which was published in 6 parts starting in January, 1908. It has been printed in many editions -- the current edition is the last one edited by B.-P. By the end of 1908 this book was translated into five other languages. The sketches in the book were all done by B.-P. -- most of them based on his own exciting career. In 1909, King Edward VII, who had taken a great deal of interest in this new Movement, made the founder a Knight in recognition of his work for boys. At this time B.-P. was Inspector General of

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Blood Revenge In Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

“Et tu Brute?'; Caesar sputtered before falling into the darkness known as death. But this was not the end of Caesar however. Caesar returns to this world as a “shade'; or ghost form. In fact, in this form he exerts more influence over Brutus than he ever did in mortal form. “Caesar is more powerful in his spirit for to affect Brutus than in his mortal form. It is in this ghost form, Caesar full-fills his revenge on Brutus.'; ( Revenge did not occur in the ancient world only in plays and stories. Revenge was a way of life, an every day belief of the ancient times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In ancient times, the times of the Greeks and Romans to be precise, the inhabitants believed that death was most certainly not the end. As a matter of fact, many of these people built entire religions around the prospect of life after death, such as the Greeks and the Romans. A strong belief of the Greeks was that the ghost or “shade'; was so extremely powerful that “many a time the murderer would mutilate his victim to flee the dead man’s direct revenge.'; (B-Revenge)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another strong belief in the idea of blood-revenge centered around native gods. The people of the time believed that the gods played an important role in blood-revenge, especially if one of their laws were defied. In the Odyssey, Zeus and Athena intervene on Odysseus’ behalf when Odysseus wishes to destroy the suitors that had plagued his palace for a number of years. Zeus intervenes after his sacred policy, his policy of hospitality, was violated and for that the suitors were punished. In Julius Caesar, there is no evidence of any specific gods interfering, such as dialogue or actions, but there are many supernatural occurrences. These omens show that something supernatural, be it a god or fate, knows what is going to occur in the near future. Therefore, the omens show evidence of god-like activity foreshadowing, either warning or maybe even sponsoring, the revenge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For every sin committed there is an unavoidable consequence, as is the case when the conspirators try to harness the future. Even though Brutus’ actions are noble, no one can ever hope to control history, those who try suffer a terrible fate. “Caesar, Brutus, and Cassius are all guilty of arrogance in believing they can control history; as a consequence, Caesar precipitates his own death and the other two merit the retribution that overtakes them.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Multicultural Art

The three artists, David Bradley, Richard Ray Whitman and Nikki S. Lee, produce images that depict traditional minorities in situations that somehow draw them into the main stream culture created primarily by Americans of European descent. In their respective works Native American Gothic, States of Pervasive Indifference, and The Hispanic Project, they do this through several means. These range from placing their subjects in universal contexts to comparing them with subjects of traditional European American art. However each artist chooses to depict the persons represented in his or her art, the effect is a complex blend of tension and harmony, as representatives of races that have sometimes in the past had uneasy relations seek unity and resolution. The traditional racial tensions are represented most strongly in the strategies of Bradley and Whitman, who both depict Native American Indians. In fact, both painters place these Native Americans as the sole subject of the paintings, yet each manages subtly to allude to their conflict with the white race through symbolism—that is, by using a symbol that represents the entire European American race. Bradley’s American Indian Gothic identifies a Native American couple wearing the clothes of the European American. Bradley uses this strategy to show an attempt by the Indians to conform to a society that has been imposed upon them. Yet the Natives retain their spears and their tepee, implying an unwillingness to let go of their lifestyle. Likewise, Whitman’s States of Pervasive Indifference shows a Native American wrapped in an American Flag. This underlines (or perhaps mocks) the idea of the melting pot as the Native American often finds himself marginalized by society—an idea which is in direct contrast to the picture of the American flag cradling this Indian. Despite the notes of tension, David Bradley’s American Indian Gothic also shows a strong reference to the similarities of the European and Native Americans through his parody of Grant Wood’s American Gothic (Hughes, 2005). The similarities between the two paintings identify fundamental similarities in humans regardless of their cultural origins. They all have need of food, protection, and shelter—as shown by the house/tepee and the spear/fork. This too is identified in Whitman’s photograph States of Pervasive Indifference on which is clearly printed the words, â€Å"earth, air, water, fire†Ã¢â‚¬â€elements on which all people depend. Nikki S. Lee’s work can also be brought in here, as in her work The Hispanic Project a group of teenage girls is seen experiencing and doing (it would seem) the things that are typical of their age. The girls’ attitudes are universal and they could easily have been a group of European Americans. Yet they are Hispanic—except, one Asian girl (Lee herself) is in the mix, and blends so well that her cultural and ethnic difference from the rest of the group is almost obscured (Sagrans). In this way The Hispanic Project, like American Indian Gothic and States of Pervasive Indifference, identifies the common traits of the members of the human race, highlighting the multicultural harmony of the United States. In an interview, Whitman speaks about his project States of Pervasive Indifference: â€Å"In indigenous cultures we're not only concerned with human to human relationships, but also our relationship with the environment† (Abbott). Interest in one’s relationship to the environment has been sparked across the United States in recent decades, and this identifies a ground on which the several cultures of the United States have merged. The â€Å"human to human† relationships of which Whitman speaks is also evident in the strategies of The Hispanic Project, in which teenagers are having fun with each other, and their racial and cultural differences melt into the background. Human relationships that exist across racial and cultural lines are also depicted in the strategies of American Indian Gothic, as the love and marriage between the man and his wife are clearly identified to exist within the Native American society independently of influence of the Europeans. The similarity of humans despite their difference in culture is highlighted in these works. Works Cited Abbott, Larry. â€Å"Richard Ray Whitman.† A Time of Visions: Interviews by Larry Abbott.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Hughes, Collin. â€Å"Crossing Boundaries.† Washington State University. WSU. 2005.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Sagrans, Erica. â€Å"Portrait of an Assimilitarist.† UTNE: A Different Read on Life.    Understanding the Next Evolution, 2002. Multicultural Art The three artists, David Bradley, Richard Ray Whitman and Nikki S. Lee, produce images that depict traditional minorities in situations that somehow draw them into the main stream culture created primarily by Americans of European descent. In their respective works Native American Gothic, States of Pervasive Indifference, and The Hispanic Project, they do this through several means. These range from placing their subjects in universal contexts to comparing them with subjects of traditional European American art. However each artist chooses to depict the persons represented in his or her art, the effect is a complex blend of tension and harmony, as representatives of races that have sometimes in the past had uneasy relations seek unity and resolution. The traditional racial tensions are represented most strongly in the strategies of Bradley and Whitman, who both depict Native American Indians. In fact, both painters place these Native Americans as the sole subject of the paintings, yet each manages subtly to allude to their conflict with the white race through symbolism—that is, by using a symbol that represents the entire European American race. Bradley’s American Indian Gothic identifies a Native American couple wearing the clothes of the European American. Bradley uses this strategy to show an attempt by the Indians to conform to a society that has been imposed upon them. Yet the Natives retain their spears and their tepee, implying an unwillingness to let go of their lifestyle. Likewise, Whitman’s States of Pervasive Indifference shows a Native American wrapped in an American Flag. This underlines (or perhaps mocks) the idea of the melting pot as the Native American often finds himself marginalized by society—an idea which is in direct contrast to the picture of the American flag cradling this Indian. Despite the notes of tension, David Bradley’s American Indian Gothic also shows a strong reference to the similarities of the European and Native Americans through his parody of Grant Wood’s American Gothic (Hughes, 2005). The similarities between the two paintings identify fundamental similarities in humans regardless of their cultural origins. They all have need of food, protection, and shelter—as shown by the house/tepee and the spear/fork. This too is identified in Whitman’s photograph States of Pervasive Indifference on which is clearly printed the words, â€Å"earth, air, water, fire†Ã¢â‚¬â€elements on which all people depend. Nikki S. Lee’s work can also be brought in here, as in her work The Hispanic Project a group of teenage girls is seen experiencing and doing (it would seem) the things that are typical of their age. The girls’ attitudes are universal and they could easily have been a group of European Americans. Yet they are Hispanic—except, one Asian girl (Lee herself) is in the mix, and blends so well that her cultural and ethnic difference from the rest of the group is almost obscured (Sagrans). In this way The Hispanic Project, like American Indian Gothic and States of Pervasive Indifference, identifies the common traits of the members of the human race, highlighting the multicultural harmony of the United States. In an interview, Whitman speaks about his project States of Pervasive Indifference: â€Å"In indigenous cultures we're not only concerned with human to human relationships, but also our relationship with the environment† (Abbott). Interest in one’s relationship to the environment has been sparked across the United States in recent decades, and this identifies a ground on which the several cultures of the United States have merged. The â€Å"human to human† relationships of which Whitman speaks is also evident in the strategies of The Hispanic Project, in which teenagers are having fun with each other, and their racial and cultural differences melt into the background. Human relationships that exist across racial and cultural lines are also depicted in the strategies of American Indian Gothic, as the love and marriage between the man and his wife are clearly identified to exist within the Native American society independently of influence of the Europeans. The similarity of humans despite their difference in culture is highlighted in these works. Works Cited Abbott, Larry. â€Å"Richard Ray Whitman.† A Time of Visions: Interviews by Larry Abbott.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Hughes, Collin. â€Å"Crossing Boundaries.† Washington State University. WSU. 2005.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Sagrans, Erica. â€Å"Portrait of an Assimilitarist.† UTNE: A Different Read on Life.    Understanding the Next Evolution, 2002.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Succubus Revealed Chapter 11

It was hard leaving Seth's side in the morning. We'd had too few nights together recently, and each day that passed only served to remind me I was that much closer to the transfer. Lying in his arms, watching him sleep in the early sunlight, I thought back to what he'd said about Andrea getting better. If that was true, if she was healing, then there was a chance the ties keeping Seth here might lessen. I felt selfish even thinking that way, but surely it wasn't too terrible a thing to wish we could all get a happy ending. After a leisurely breakfast, Seth and I went over to the Mortensens'. He was on babysitting duty while Andrea went to a doctor's appointment, and I was there to pick up Brandy. Chaos met us at the door, and Brandy practically flew outside, breathless and laughing. â€Å"Don't go in there,† she warned me, after I gave Seth a quick kiss good-bye. She and I headed toward my car. â€Å"It's crazy. Mom and Dad slept in, and Grandma let Kendall and the twins ‘help' with breakfast.† â€Å"What are they making?† â€Å"Waffles,† she said. â€Å"From scratch. I don't know which was scarier: Kendall mixing the batter or Morgan and McKenna on duty with the waffle iron. They set the smoke detector off twice.† I couldn't help but laugh as I pulled out of the driveway. â€Å"And you and Kayla didn't help?† â€Å"No way,† Brandy replied. â€Å"I stayed away from that mess, and Kayla was in one of her silent moods today.† â€Å"Aw.† I kind of wished now that I'd taken a moment to go inside. Tiny Kayla had a special place in my heart. Though she was better than she used to be, she still had a tendency to simply watch her world without a word, and it could be difficult coaxing conversation from her. Some of this was shyness, and some of this – I suspected – was from the fact that Kayla was psychic. Her skills were still undeveloped, but she was sensitive to the workings of the supernatural world, which I had to imagine would make anyone of any age silent at times. â€Å"She'll be fine. She loves waffles.† Brandy smiled, and I was happy to see her so upbeat for a change. She shouldered just as much stress as the adults. â€Å"If any actually get made.† We drove downtown, and I quizzed Brandy about what she was looking for in a dress. She had little to offer, which was both charming and kind of heartbreaking. Brandy wasn't a tomboy, but with all of her family drama, dresses had been understandably off her radar. In fact, when her face lit up at all the downtown lights and decorations, it became clear that family had really been the only thing in her life recently. â€Å"I haven't seen any of the holiday stuff this year,† she told me, gazing out the windows. A pang in my heart reminded me that this would be my last year to see Seattle in all its holiday finery. â€Å"We usually always come down here so that the girls can see Santa. There's been no time.† â€Å"The girls haven't seen Santa?† I asked, snapping out of my moment of self-pity. â€Å"That's not fair, especially considering I see a little too much of him.† It made me wonder how many drinks it would take to coax Walter into a house call. It also convinced me more than ever to make this a special day for Brandy. I couldn't expect her not to worry about her mom, but today, with Andrea on the mend and Seattle's shopping wonderland ready to explore, Brandy was entitled to worry just a little less than usual. She deserved to think about herself. I took her on a whirlwind tour of designer stores, chastising her for looking at price tags. I wanted this to be about more than the dress itself. I wanted her to have an experience, to feel like a princess. I made sure the salespeople were falling all over themselves to help her, which wasn't always so easy to do at such a busy time of the year. Brandy's radiant expression told me it was worth the effort, and we finally hit gold at our third store, finding what was unquestionably the dress. It was made of dark pink satin wrapped around to create a sheath silhouette that could still show off her figure without being pornographically tight. Satin flowers near the top added a whimsical edge, and the straps and knee-length made me feel it wouldn't get her kicked out of a church function. We spent the next hour finding the perfect shoes and jewelry for it, and although each new purchase clearly made her uneasy, she stopped questioning me about the cost. She didn't know about Margaret's f unding, but it had long since been spent. Exhausted and triumphant with our purchases, we went to lunch at an Italian restaurant frequented by other ladies of leisure. It was inside a larger, elegant shopping complex, and just as we were about to enter the restaurant, I saw a familiar face emerge from a nearby store. Something in my chest clenched, and I spoke before I could help myself. â€Å"Doug!† It took him a moment to figure out who'd called to him. When he did, a series of emotions played over his face. I wondered then how the encounter would have been different if Brandy hadn't been there. Would he have even acknowledged me? Maybe. Maybe not. But Brandy's presence guaranteed politeness. No matter how angry Doug might be at me, he wouldn't snub her. â€Å"Kincaid,† he said, strolling over to us. â€Å"And little Brandy. How's it going?† â€Å"Good,† she said cheerfully. The two of them, I realized, could have been related if Seth and Maddie had ended up getting married. The weird fallout from their breakup hadn't had as big an effect on Brandy as the rest of us, though, and she was genuinely happy to see him. â€Å"We're shopping.† He favored her with a smile, and I wondered if he was avoiding eye contact with me. â€Å"Last minute Christmas gifts?† he asked. â€Å"Not a chance,† I said. â€Å"This is all for Brandy. She's going to a dance tonight.† â€Å"Oh, I see how it is,† he said. â€Å"Getting ready to break some hearts for the holidays, huh?† She turned bright red. â€Å"No! It's at my church!† Teasing girls was familiar and easy territory for Doug. â€Å"Yeah?† he said, forcibly keeping a straight face. â€Å"Then why are you blushing? Church boys' hearts break just as easily as us sinners', you know. I'm sure you'll leave a trail of hundreds in your wake.† â€Å"No,† she protested. â€Å"Not hundreds – â€Å" â€Å"Just one?† he asked slyly. Brandy looked to me for help, and I laughed. â€Å"I knew there was someone.† â€Å"You guys are terrible,† she said, though she didn't look that upset. â€Å"Can I go put our name on the list?† â€Å"Sure,† I said, still laughing. But the instant she was inside the restaurant, Doug's playful manner vanished. â€Å"Well, I've got to go,† he said, starting to turn away. â€Å"Wait, Doug, I . . .† He looked back at me, but I was at a loss. What could I say? That I was sorry for sleeping with his sister's fiance? That I was sorry for lying to all of them and breaking her heart? How could you apologize for something like that? â€Å"It . . . it was good to see you,† I said at last. â€Å"You too,† he said, though he didn't sound convincing. He nodded toward the restaurant. â€Å"And her. I hope she has fun.† â€Å"Me too. She deserves it, what with everything else going on.† He had attempted to leave again, but my words made him pause. â€Å"How's her mom?† I shrugged. â€Å"Good days and bad days. It's up and down. . . . sometimes it seems hopeless, sometimes it's like everything's fixed. Wreaks havoc on everyone. . . . you just can't assume anything, you know? She's having some good days right now, but it's been a hard road for all of them. We just never know what's going to happen next and have to hang in there as best we can. I'm trying to help, but I don't know. . . . I don't feel like it's enough. But what could be?† I promptly shut up, realizing I was rambling. Doug said nothing, his dark eyes studying me for several heavy seconds. Then, his gaze shifted to Brandy, speaking to the hostess, for a few more moments before returning to me. â€Å"You're a good person, Kincaid,† he said softly. And this time, he did leave. Nothing else he might have said could have surprised me more. In all the imagined conversations I'd had with Doug, I'd expected frigid politeness at best – and that had seemed like a long shot. More often than not, I'd envisioned him telling me terrible, hurtful things, things I deserved. As much as a secret part of me yearned for him to forgive me so that we could be friends again, I really didn't think I deserved that forgiveness. I watched him walk away until Brandy stuck her head out from the restaurant door and called that they had a table. Despite how pensive my meeting with Doug left me, I was still able to enjoy the rest of the afternoon with Brandy. We were both in good spirits when we arrived back at the Mortensen home, and mine soared even higher when I saw Seth's car in the driveway. I hurried inside, eager to see him, only to have my mood shatter when I saw his face. Margaret and Terry wore similar expressions. Brandy, normally so observant, was too keyed up over her purchases to notice that there had been a significant mood shift in the house, compared to the bubbly chaos of this morning. â€Å"We had such a great time,† Brandy told them, face shining. â€Å"I got the best dress.† Margaret gave her a tight smile. â€Å"Why don't you try it on for us?† Brandy didn't need to be told twice, and Kendall and the twins followed her uproariously to the bedroom, offering to â€Å"help.† The instant they were gone, I turned to the adults. â€Å"What happened?† â€Å"Bad prognosis at the doctor's,† said Seth, when no one else spoke right away. â€Å"But she was improving,† I argued. I looked at them all for confirmation. â€Å"Right?† â€Å"We thought so,† said Terry. â€Å"At the very least, she seemed to be feeling better. But in these situations . . . well, cancer tricks you that way. It's why people go so long without ever knowing they have it. She woke up feeling bad this morning, and the doctor confirmed our fears.† I was kind of in awe at how calmly he managed to deliver that. I wasn't sure I could have without breaking down. Honestly, I didn't know how he'd been able to handle any of this with as much strength and determination as he had. If this were happening to the love of my life, I was pretty sure I'd crawl into in a corner and cry. Or would I? Looking at Seth, at those beloved features and compassionate expression, I suddenly knew that wasn't true. If the one I loved needed my strength, then I would give all I had within me. â€Å"We're not telling Brandy yet,† said Seth. â€Å"We're not going to keep it from her, but we figured it would be best to wait until after tonight.† I nodded slowly, having no words. I was usually so quick with a quip or soothing line, but what response could I make to that? Especially when, moments later, Brandy came bounding back down the stairs in the pink dress. Each twin held a shoe, and Kendall carried the glittering chandelier earrings we'd found just before lunch. I was reminded of Cinderella's mouse retainers. Brandy's tastes had been foremost in my mind while shopping, but I'd also had half an eye on what I thought her family would approve of in fashion. As she spun around for them, however, I realized it didn't matter. I could've brought her home in rags, and they would've loved it so long as she wore the look of radiance on her face that she did now. That was what sold it, one spot of pure joy in the dark cloud that kept hanging over this family. The adults were too overcome with emotion to speak, so Kendall did it for us. â€Å"Doesn't she look like a princess?† She kept trying to smooth nonexistent wrinkles out of the skirt, much to Brandy's dismay. â€Å"I want a dress like this.† Morgan sat down on the floor and tried to forcibly push the shoe on Brandy's foot while she still stood, furthering my Cinderella images. McKenna joined in as well, and both nearly succeeded in knocking their older sister over. â€Å"Well?† Brandy laughed. â€Å"What do you think?† â€Å"It's beautiful,† said Margaret. â€Å"You're beautiful,† said Terry. Having successfully dislodged the twins, Brandy stepped into the shoes, flushing under the praise of her family. â€Å"I hope I don't fall in these. How stupid would that look?† â€Å"I don't think anything could make you look stupid,† said Seth. â€Å"You're perfect from head to toe.† â€Å"Okay, you guys,† said Brandy, growing embarrassed. â€Å"Now you're just pushing it.† The â€Å"head to toe† comment suddenly reminded me of something. â€Å"Oh. I won't be here to do your hair. I have to go to work soon.† At that moment, calling in sick seemed like a reasonable idea. Nothing seemed more important than giving her a perfect night. â€Å"That's okay,† said Brandy. â€Å"I can do it. Or maybe Mom can.† â€Å"She's been kind of tired today,† said Terry neutrally. â€Å"But I know she'll want to see you before you leave.† â€Å"I can do a French twist,† said Margaret, surprising us all. â€Å"If you want to wear it up.† â€Å"Will you show me?† asked Brandy. Margaret nodded. â€Å"Sure, let's go upstairs.† Before they did, Brandy paused to give me a giant hug. â€Å"Thank you so much, Georgina. For everything.† They went upstairs, followed by the littler girls, all of whom thought there was nothing so wonderful as dressing up their older sister. Actually, I realized, that wasn't entirely true. Not all of them felt that way. â€Å"Where's Kayla?† I asked. She hadn't been in the entourage. Terry sighed and ran a hand through his hair, in a way similar to what I'd often seen Seth do. â€Å"In the living room, I think. She's been out of sorts today. Sometimes I think she can figure out what's going on, even when we don't tell her.† With Kayla's abilities, I didn't doubt it was true. I remembered Brandy saying Kayla had been in a â€Å"silent mood† since this morning and wondered just how much of her mother's illness the little girl was in tune with. I left the brothers to seek her out and found her curled up in a corner of the overstuffed sofa, making herself so small that she was almost lost in the cushions. â€Å"Hey, you,† I said, sitting down beside her. â€Å"How's it going? Don't you want to see Brandy's dress?† Kayla shifted her face, looking at me with huge blue eyes. â€Å"Georgina,† she said. â€Å"You have to make it stay away.† My thoughts were on the dress, so it took a moment for me to follow what she was saying. â€Å"Make what stay away, honey?† â€Å"The Darkness.† There was something in the way she said the word that let me know she wasn't referring to shadows. When she said â€Å"Darkness,† I could feel the personification in her word, the looming threat of something – or someone – tangible. With a pang, I remembered that Kayla had been able to sense Nyx when she'd escaped her angelic captors. I leaned toward Kayla, glad Seth and Terry were preoccupied. â€Å"Kayla, are you talking about . . . about the creature you felt before? The one you could sense on me?† Nyx's return would be a complication I most certainly didn't need in my life right now. She shook her head. â€Å"A different one. The Darkness comes here, to my house. To see my mommy. Will you make it go away?† â€Å"Is it here now?† I asked uneasily. â€Å"No. Just sometimes.† â€Å"How many times?† Kayla thought about it. â€Å"Two.† A cold feeling crept over me. â€Å"Was last night one of those times?† She nodded. â€Å"Have you seen it?† I asked her. â€Å"No. But I feel it. I can tell where it's at when it's here.† She peered at me beseechingly. â€Å"Will you make it stop?† I had no clue what this Darkness was or what I could do to stop it, but theories were running wild in my head. I kissed her forehead. â€Å"I'll do what I can, baby. I promise. I've got to leave now, but I'll see what I can find out for you, okay? We'll make sure the Darkness doesn't come back.† Like the flip of a switch, Kayla's whole demeanor changed. Whereas she'd been sad and withdrawn moments ago, she was now beaming and hopeful. All that faith – in me. With my empty assurance to take on something I didn't understand, she was able to put aside all of her fears and worries. All was right in her world now, thanks to me. She put her arms around me and kissed me back, and I felt like my heart would break when I finally untangled myself from her. Holiday cheer was calling, as well as a burning need to suddenly talk to Roman. Seeing as how we kept missing each other lately, I sent him a text with a reminder of when I'd be home tonight and that I had important information for him. He was so caught up in his conspiracy theories that I wasn't sure if he'd want to make time for what he'd probably see as a little girl's fantasies. Kayla's perceptions – despite her difficulties in articulating them – had proven accurate before. I didn't know what she was sensing this time, but if there was a force inside the Mortensen household, I intended to stop it.