Thursday, June 6, 2019

Education - Gymnasium Essay Example for Free

Education Gymnasium EssayTitle Education is everywhere in the world. Individuals atomic number 18 learning here and there. Everyone would equalise that education is a fundamental way of life. Education is obtained learning from multiple people such(prenominal) as parents, friends, teachers and even other surroundings. Every individual is meliorate and taught differently. Education should be built non only on the text that lies within a book, but should also be base with everyday life. chord on McCullough and Oliphant perspectives because stains and how life is not rotated around crosss. Grades should not be based on how smart an individual is. Although Oliphant garner to a B student wrote Your performance is generally assumed to correspond to the knowledge you have acquired and will retain (137). They could be really intelligent or ignorant, but the letter grade they receive coifs who they are. The letter grade that most individuals want to receive is an A, but othe rs settle for the best they can receive.In McCullough speech Youre Not exceptional he says Where skilful is no longer good enough, where a B is the new C, and where the midlevel curriculum is called Advanced College Placement (McCullough). Even the ones that try their hardest on something tycoon have a difficult time trying to comprehend the material. They worry about the grade they might receive and it stresses them out. There are individuals that just light touch off or brag about the grade they received to make the others feel bad about themselves.For example, one student might have taken an exam that they studied for and failed the other student did not study and passed. Individuals like to brag about their grades that they probably do not deserve. How life is not revolved around grades because it is more than that to life. Oliphant said Your grade does not represent a judgment of your basic ability or of your character (137). People think that individuals such as studen ts that do not make a high grade that they are not trying their best at what they are doing.There are a lot of wealthy people that are wealthy without grades defining them. Some of them could have made low grades when they were younger and people said they would not be successful it because they are failing everything. There are a handful of successful individuals that did not make it far in school, but is doing something good with their life. Individuals should not judge people because of several failing grades they could be more intelligent than everyone thinks they are. McCullough talks about Youre not special, because everyone is (McCullough).In conclusion, grades should not define a person on what they make on a paper. People should not judge a person by a low grade or high grade. Agreeing with McCullough and Oliphant perspectives. People are more intelligent than individuals think they are. Works CitedMcCullough, David. Youre Not Special. Myfoxboston. com. Fox Television Sta tions, Inc. 6 June 2012. Web. 22 Feb. 2013. Oliphant, Robert. Letter to a B Student. Writing on the River An Anthology. 3rd ed. Boston McGraw-Hill, 2012. 136-142. Print.

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